The Artist Author Notes
Behind the Scenes of an Artist, Author, Small Business & Traveler
Bringing an Illustrated Novel to Life - A Collaboration with Wacom
Are you a creative? What are the essential tools that you use for your creative practice? Would you consider them to be strange or out of the box? What tools serve multiple functions in your process?
I’m really excited to be partnering with Wacom to bring you a special treat — An article all about creating illustrated novels and more specifically how I use a tablet for each stage of the process!
My Author Journey
I want to share a little behind the scenes with you of how I became an author and wrote my first novel.
When I began this journey I actually didn’t set out to write a full-length novel. Originally I thought I’d tackle to project without words but as I outlined and explored some of the early world and characters I quickly found that I wanted to give them voices. Thus began my journey to becoming an author.
Worldbuilding - Narrative
When we last left off in this worldbuilding series I shared a little of the "why" behind starting my own world.
Today I want to continue onto the how I found seeds of my story and started crafting a narrative. It's one thing to have a desire to create a world, to understand your "why" around building it, but many flounder while trying to find a concrete “something” to attach their “why” to. This is where narrative and story come in.
Worldbuilding - Finding your "Why"
The word "worldbuilding" can feel a bit all-encompassing, depending on who you're talking to it can mean a whole set of different things. To me, worldbuilding means crafting a fictional world, including a cast of well-rounded characters, that is believable and inviting.