The Artist Author Notes
Behind the Scenes of an Artist, Author, Small Business & Traveler
Editing a Self-Published Book: A Comprehensive Guide
Editing a self-published book is more than fixing typos; it's about honing your story to perfection. This guide walks you through key steps to track elements like magic systems in fantasy novels, identify inconsistencies, and perfect your pacing. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned writer, find expert tips to elevate your manuscript.
Print-on-Demand for Squarespace Artists
Exploring print-on-demand options for your Squarespace shop? In this article, I share insights from my own journey, discussing the pros and cons of popular services like Printful, Printify, and Art of Where. Find out which platform might be the best fit for you.
Bringing an Illustrated Novel to Life - A Collaboration with Wacom
Are you a creative? What are the essential tools that you use for your creative practice? Would you consider them to be strange or out of the box? What tools serve multiple functions in your process?
I’m really excited to be partnering with Wacom to bring you a special treat — An article all about creating illustrated novels and more specifically how I use a tablet for each stage of the process!
4 Watercolor Textures for your next Digital Painting
I’m sure it’s no surprise to you that I use a lot of watercolor textures in my digital artwork. Often these are textures that I’ve created but occasionally I like to include some that I’ve picked up from an online marketplace.
Inviting Your Audience Online
When showing at your first convention, or your 20th, grabbing your audience's attention and making sales in the moment is usually the #1 goal for any artist. But once you have them, taking that captive audience online with you for the longer journey is key to growing a sustainable business.
Inviting your audience to join you online can happen in many forms. It can be as easy as giving out a business card or mentioning the fact that you have a website or Instagram account. Here are some ways I make it easy for fans to maintain the connection past our in-person experience at the convention.
Scheduling Social Media Posts with Later
This year, one of my goals is to regain a lot of lost time spent on social media while growing my online presence. When I refer to lost time, I don’t mean the lost hours of endless scrolling looking at friends posts, what I’m referring to is the tedious task of maintaining a business presence online.
For too long I’ve operated without a plan in place and, like many, posted sporadically and often in-the-moment. Neither of these things was working to grow my following, and neither helped get me more time off my phone.
The River Flows - Timelapse watercolor painting
This piece is a reflection on the past year and bringing the flood of creativity, growth, and change into the new season.
Top Tips for Artists to Level Up your Newsletter Game
When getting serious about becoming an artist in this digital age one of the many things that you’ll probably here is that “you should have a newsletter.” In a nutshell, a newsletter is a way to connect directly with your audience in their inbox. Since the beginning, I’ve kept a relatively simple bi-monthly newsletter for this very reason, and I'm happy to add that it works.
May the 4th - Star Wars time lapse Video
Every year on May the 4th I paint a few Star Wars pieces in celebration. This year I had a very hard time choosing which Baby Yoda piece to work on (so you get to see both) and I loved creating a young teen version of Han Solo and Princess Leia. I hope you enjoy watching and hearing a little bit about my process. May the 4th be with you!
Ora Book Illustration: The Process So Far
To start, here is the reference that I created in VR using Gravity Sketch to quickly lay in some rough rock shapes and build up the large rock that Ora is made up of. I used the map that I had already created of the city (above) as a rough template for scale and worked on top of it.
Determining Book Production Methods
How do you effectively produce 104 images that remain consistent throughout in color, value and style and produce them quickly yet at a high quality?
Youtube Tips For Artists
For the past few years, I have been sharing what it is like to be an independent artist in the form of video on my YouTube channel. I’ve found that it is an incredibly powerful platform to be on. Today I’m going to share with you some tips and strategies for artists that you can apply to your YouTube channel.
MailChimp vs Squarespace vs Flodesk - Why I switched email marketing
A gorgeous email from a fellow artist landed in my inbox. It was an art-filled experience and a conversation and I loved it. That email got me thinking about how I would like to send emails in 2020.
Enter, my deep dive into the pros and cons of 3 email marketing platforms and which one I chose to go with.
My Author Journey
I want to share a little behind the scenes with you of how I became an author and wrote my first novel.
When I began this journey I actually didn’t set out to write a full-length novel. Originally I thought I’d tackle to project without words but as I outlined and explored some of the early world and characters I quickly found that I wanted to give them voices. Thus began my journey to becoming an author.