The Artist Author Notes
Behind the Scenes of an Artist, Author, Small Business & Traveler
My Favorite Travel Art Supplies
Since the beginning, I've been creating artwork on the road. My first watercolor palette was a simple travel set I picked up on a whim. Travel and being able to work while mobile has shaped so much of my process and how I work I decided it was about time I create a list of some of my favorite supplies that I use on the road.
Traveling to Conventions by Airplane
Growing up, we traveled and moved a lot as a family, packing our lives up into a handful of trunks to move between countries. This constant packing and unpacking has made me efficient at squeezing my life into a suitcase.
One of my early experiences traveling to a show was for an event while I was still living in Japan. At the time we didn't own a car, and my only option for getting there was public transportation.
Europe Day 4 – Rome
Today was the first day we really wished we had planned a bit better on this trip. We’ve intentionally kept this trip from becoming itinerary-driven by only planning out one day in advance. We wanted it to stay restful, and not always feel like we had to meet our next wicket. Today, though, we arrived at Saint Peter’s Basilica hoping to be able to attend Sunday Mass with the Pope only to find out a few things:
A Farewell to Life in Japan
Our time here in Japan has come to a close. Before I go I wanted to write a bit about my time here and reflect on the things I’ve learned about myself.
Yesterday I closed our house up and left the key with the realtor. It was a pretty surreal experience having lived there for over 2 years. It truly became home. Most places we’ve lived I’ve left and haven’t looked back. But this place was special and I believe, in some ways, it was meant for us. Atop our windy hill, sweeping views of the valley and nightly sunsets it was the perfect place to spend our time here. I still remember the first day we saw Fuji from our office window on a clear day, massive on the horizon.