The Artist Author Notes
Behind the Scenes of an Artist, Author, Small Business & Traveler
"The Garden Path" A Watercolor Painting
I created this piece with spring in mind. I don't know about you but during this time of year, I really miss the sunshine. We've been getting a lot of rain recently and so I decided to paint a piece to cheer myself, and hopefully others up.
"First Kiss" - A painting for the Month of Love challenge
We are nearing the end of February and also the end of the month long challenge I've been participating in - the Month of Love (an art event featuring a selection of artists and a new challenge/theme each week). This week's theme is "Fantasy" and I knew from the beginning of this month that this was a week I was definitely going to participate in.
"Courage" - A painting for the Month of Love Chellenge
When I began brainstorming ideas for this first week's topic of "heroes" I kept coming back to the heroes nature and not to one specific person. In many of my ideas and word lists the theme of a hero being someone who protects the innocent, regardless of their own abilities, kept coming back to me and stuck.
I started with a quick sketch of a woman with a child fending off a dragon and went from there. Initially, the woman was going to be a knight but I decided early on that I wanted to make her more vulnerable and also a part of the larger world I have been creating (more on that later).