Illuxcon 2017

This year was my third year attending one of my favorite art events of the year, Illuxcon.

Illuxcon is it's own kind of show. It's hard to describe because there are few shows that I've found that are similar to it. The best that I can do is use their own words. Illuxcon is:

A ground-breaking art show, symposium, and celebration dedicated solely to imaginative realism—bringing artists, students, collectors, and art fans together for an annual gathering intended to inspire and create further awareness and zeal for imaginative realism and all that’s encompassed in the realm of the fantastic.

My goals this year in attending were similar to previous years; to reconnect with friends, make new connections, and to have a few conversations with professionals to get some specific feedback.

This year I had the added goal of enjoying the show through some vlogging. Thankfully I was able to find the time to do so between visiting, panels and workshops that lasted all day. Here is my video commentary on the event including lots of highlights of the artists that were in the show.


The Harvest Festival - Show Wrap-up


Traveling to Conventions by Airplane