Baby Grab Ball Project

Recently I completed a quick project for a friend's first baby, a soft "grab" ball in batiks. This project was so quick and easy! [divider line_type="Small Line" custom_height="20"]

The pattern or instructions I followed can be found on this blog. They were quite well explained, going into enough detail that if you're not a frequent sewer you should have no trouble following along.[/box]

A few thoughts or tips to add after completing these... and photos for those of you that don't sew!

After cutting out the fabric I was able to sew and stuff them in a day. My method for cutting was a bit more involved and so that took up a good deal of time in the beginning. The project starts with two paper templates that you then trace onto your fat quarters. I was very careful not to waste any fabric and even had a little strip leftover. If you're tight on fabric when you trace each piece think of it as a puzzle and align your edges to the edge of the fabric or to each other. This will help reduce the waste in-between the shapes.

What I use to trace is an all-in-one washable and disappearing ink pen. I've never had problems with the ink remaining for more than 24hrs and, though I don't use it for this project, the washable side is truly water soluble.

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Baby-grab-ball-project-Naomi-VanDoren 1

Once all of your shapes are cut out it is a quick and simple job of sewing up each slice, leaving an opening to turn and for stuffing. My little point turner was a must for the next steps of turning them right side out. I stuffed them with some basic craft, very soft, polyester stuffing and sewed them shut.

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Baby-grab-ball-project-Naomi-VanDoren 2

My last tip was to double up your thread when sewing together the slices. I had to rethread twice from pulling too hard and breaking it.

And that's about it. Enjoy your new baby toys!

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Baby-grab-ball-project-Naomi-VanDoren 3

Portraits of a Cat


St. Augustine